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Prepare for the Holidays By Taking These 3 Steps - September Newsletter

September 28, 2021

The Holidays are right around the corner, and we all know what that means; family and friends come from near and far to gather together and celebrate. Many of us genuinely look forward to the holidays, but we also tend to spend hours getting our home in tip-top shape for all of our visitors.

Hours can be spent on cleaning, fixing, and even cooking. One thing that can be immensely frustrating is going into the holidays with parts of your home that are malfunctioning or not in working order. 

There are a few items in your home that you will want to double-check before the busy holiday season begins.

What to Have in Working Order in Your Kitchen and Bathroom?

The areas of your home that are often used the most are, without fail, your kitchen and bathroom. 

Whether guests are staying the night or coming in for the day, both of these rooms of your home will be used frequently by guests. 

There are a few aspects of your kitchen and bathroom that you will want to ensure are working properly before guests begin to arrive.

Garbage Disposals 

With all of the cooking that happens around the holiday season, one piece of your kitchen that can get overloaded with scraps that cause wear and tear over time, is your garbage disposal. 

The goal of your garbage disposal is to get rid of a small amount of food waste by shredding it up so small that it can easily pass through your plumbing system. Although disposals can shred food apart, they should never be overloaded or used with large amounts of waste. 

Whether you accidentally let something go down your disposal that truly wasn’t supposed to or you have had your garbage disposal far past its lifespan, having a working disposal will minimize frustrations all year long. 

Kitchen Sink Drains 

Imagine this, you are running late for work, and you accidentally pour grease from your breakfast down the drain. This scenario happens to each and every single one of us, yet over time we may be greeted by a sink that simply won’t drain. 

Various items that slip by you and into your drain like grease, coffee grounds, and even food scraps can build up on your plumbing system. In the moment, these items seem so minute, but as time goes on, they can cause your drain to simply not function properly. 

Bathroom Shower Drains 

Have you tried to sit back and relax after a long day only to be greeted by a puddle of water slowly rising around your ankles? It is a terrible feeling to try to rinse off after a long day only to be met with another to-do to add to your mile-long list. 

One of the biggest culprits for clogging your bathroom drains is hair. Hair doesn’t deteriorate, so after years of showering, your drain can become impassable.

Are you frustrated with your drains not being able to drain properly or a garbage disposal that doesn’t function correctly? Our team at Whitton Plumbing is skilled in pipe and drain cleaning as well as garbage disposal repair. Cross one more thing off of your to-do list and reach out to our team today! 

Schedule your Fall Service Visit with Whitton Plumbing

With holidays, cleaning, and the to-do lists of everyday life, trying to ensure all of your appliances, faucets, and drains are working properly can be overwhelming. Call Whitton Plumbing to schedule a fall service visit to get your home in tip-top shape to welcome guests this holiday season. 

Valley Wide: (480) 291-1111
Tucson: (520) 505-3236
Whether it's sinks, toilets, showers, faucets, water heaters, pipes or drains that need cleaning, repairs or installation, we've got you covered.